27 IDX 106 - Odinn
Akranes, ICELAND - Sunday, April 28, 2002 at 10:49:38 (PDT)
I'd like to see photos of Rob and Alex's new eyeglasses, please.
Also one of Rob's new hairstyle. Thanks. Love, Alex's Mum
Mum (dhobson@yorku.ca)
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 06:28:30 (PST)
It was so nice running into you tonight. I'm sorry if I was too chatty. My friend Liz and I had just come from a big dinner with plenty of sangria. I went straight to your book page(after a lengthy conversation with my friend Dave about Billie Holliday vs Sarah Vaughn. Have you ever read Lady Sings the Blues? It begins with the wonderful line "Mom and Pop were just a couple of kids when they had me. He was 18, she was 16 and I was three.") Your book page is full of wonderful things - I've always loved Laurie Colwin and Two Girls Fat and Thin is one of my favorites. So hard and good, that book. I'm glad that you liked River Midnight, it's a lovely thing and no one knows about it. Thanks for the mention of the store, that was very sweet. I am curious about what the vegetarian manifesto novel is. I do hope that you like Kissing in Manhattan. I have a difficult time handsellng it. It's odd - sex and power and hate and love. But very good, I think. Pick up Travels with My Aunt - Graham Greene -sometime if you need a good laugh. Just read it recently and fell in love with it. Anyway, such a pleasure to see you both (if only I had you on staff, I'm sure that we could clear the hurdles of the economy tht we've been jumping). Til next time - Michael
Michael Wells (wellboy1@aol.com)
Seattle, WA USA - Friday, March 29, 2002 at 22:46:45 (PST)
Just crusing around and happy to find your site. This is your cousin Carroll, Tom & Joan's daugther writing to you from frigid northern Ontario.
Wish you both the best!
...Carroll & Rodger (my husband as of August 19, 2000)
Carroll Leith (crleith@vianet.on.ca)
Porcupine, Ontario Canada - Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 18:17:28 (PST)
I was searching Google for "Simon Kornblith" and up popped your site with photos of same.
Hope all is well in Vancouver with the teaching and all that--
Gary Kornblith (gary.kornblith@oberlin.edu)
- Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 16:44:59 (PST)
Sisko dear
Mishpa (which essentially means "you are 'welcome!!!' " -- she's a little bit forward for a three year old) is crazy to meet you....
we will just have to arrange something, I suppose.... She saw your picture at the park and started purrring.........
dari (darisweb@telus.net)
somewhere close by, lost track both of em, heaven help me - Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 12:03:46 (PST)
i looooove your website ,especially the {THE CHICKS WITH THE BLOOM}
YEP,that was cool !jkhf fgh sdfyg iop; artg lvyju ghiol ftui vhuo!
sxdtrhksdth dfu fty uigy uolgyi .
Love:Abbey !
Abbey McLean - Cottingham (diannemclean@sympatico.ca)
Perth, Ontario Canada - Sunday, September 30, 2001 at 12:36:44 (PDT)
This note is for Alexandria~
I noticed that it said you wore ruby slippers made by Jack Townsend. I was wondering if you had a picture of them. If you do, could you please send them to me? Thanks.
Natasha (SSLSurfChick@aol.com)
Yuba City, CA USA - Friday, August 17, 2001 at 15:41:10 (PDT)
Alex, I love the picture of you and Rob. (I know you ask, “which one"?). I feel connected to you via your site since I am such a terrible correspondent. I was hoping to check out anniversary pictures - - someday soon? Your birthday looked thoroughly enjoyable. I wish you and Rob the best always. Jeanne
Jeanne Samuel (anythingpc@telocity.com)
New Orleans, LA US "of A" - Wednesday, August 08, 2001 at 16:08:26 (PDT)
I am actually a friend of Michael Griesdorf's and have unfortunately lost touch with him. I have no phone number where to reach him and have been trying by all means to get a hold of him. I finally went on the internet and found this website. Should you have his phone number where I could reach him, I would really appreciate if you could email me back, or at least tell him he can reach me here in New York at (212) 447-9644. This may me a strange request, but I would love to speak to him again! Thanks for your help, Karine Perez
Karine Perez (kmperez@lancome-usa.com)
New York, New York USA - Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 17:05:38 (PDT)
Both the reunion and the photos reminded me of how many friends I had at Oberlin who I got to know pretty well, but without ever learning their last names.
Alexandra Samuel (alex@samuel-cottingham.com)
- Thursday, May 31, 2001 at 23:51:00 (PDT)
Sisko we make a great team me and you where going places and I'm running in the woods chasing after you and then I catch up to you and you bodycheck me into a tree that is just sheer poatry in motion
Vino de la noche (greenwd@telus.net)
naples, italy italy - Wednesday, May 09, 2001 at 13:24:12 (PDT)
Even in Africa, I am deeply embarassed by those pictures. Akwaaba from Ghana and hope all is well with you both.
Gideon Arthurs (Gideon_Arthurs@brown.edu)
Accra, Ghana - Sunday, May 06, 2001 at 04:19:53 (PDT)
Was searching for Adele Wiseman's daughter, Tamara Stone, and your site popped up. Was wondering if she is indeed Adele's daughter because if she is we're related and I'd like to try to find her. Could you let me know if this could be the case? Thanx so much. Great pix, btw! :o}
Adele (liteworks@yahoo.com)
- Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 10:30:23 (PST)
Ah, I think I can safely paraphrase Dr. Samuel Johnson when I say "If a person is tired of Samuel-Cottingham.com, he or she is tired of life."
I enjoyed the wedding photos, and felt again the sharp pangs of regret that I couldn't be there. Is there perhaps something you need that I could get for you as a much-belated present?
I also got a good laugh out of "Sisko's guide to filosuffy" - he must be quite a dog.
Anyway, write and let me know how you're doing.
Love to all y'all, Dave
David "Sparky" Cox (davidcox@powersurfr.com)
Edmonton, Alberta Canada - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 13:02:16 (PST)
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."
Hunter S. Thompson
Val Brandt (vbrandt@attcanada.ca)
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 10:54:14 (PST)
This is one of the best websites I have visited. Thank you for the free P.R. for my daughter Tobin Belzer. She is a very special person.
Rosemary Tobin (machinequilter@aol.com)
Hueneme Beach, CA USA - Tuesday, February 13, 2001 at 20:22:16 (PST)
Sorry to intrude on your site, but ran across it while looking for Cottinghams. Have any relations down this way? My grandfather lived in Wisconsin and was named Joseph Alton Cottingham.
Nancy (mva251@airmail.net)
Texas - Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 22:18:33 (PST)
Alex and Rob - For the first time I took a look at your Website, and I am more thankful than ever to have the good fortune to know such a talented, creative, life-loving woman as you, and your handsome and sweet hubby. The Wedding pics are fabulous, and Sisko is as adorable virually as in person (or should I say, as in dog).
Deborah Allman (dallman123@aol.com)
Vancouver, BC Canada - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 13:09:23 (PST)
For the first time I took a look at your Website, and I am more thankful than ever to have the good fortune to know such a talented, creative, life-loving woman as you. The Wedding pics are fabulous, and Sisko is as adorable virually as in person (or should I say, as in dog).
Deborah Allman (dallman123@aol.com)
Vancouver, BC Canada - Wednesday, December 06, 2000 at 13:07:25 (PST)
The display is a standard 1/4 VGA LCD from EIO (picture). I needed to use a VGA to NTSC converter to get output on my LCD (which had an NTSC composite input). I got this from Maplin, they call it a "VGA to PAL gamer" and it cost about 30 uk pounds. It can actually output PAL or NTSC (picture). The LCD kit requires power at 3 voltages: 350 volts AC (for the backlight), +5v (logic) and -8 volts (LCD control). I found the -5v from the PSU to be sufficient to power it, although I'll probably get around to introducing a -8v regulator to do it properly. I got the 350 volts AC from an inverter from Jameco (part number #142252). There's some more info on the strife I had getting the LCD to work here.
10/5/98 Jerry Biehler e-mailed the following regarding the use of the LCD with a Macintosh:
Hi. I saw your page on the $99 LCD display. I noticed there was a question about connecting the display to a computer and the response was to hook it to an NTSC out connection, which he had never heard of on a desktop pc. Many models of Macintosh (840AV, PM7600, PM8500, PM8600, ect.) have standard 640*480 NTSC out which can be used simultaniously with the standard video, allowing (With adequate vram) Seperate but connected desktops, video mirroring, or you can boot with just an NTSC monitor and use your Mac that way. This display would make a great portable monitor for someones PowerMac.
Jerry can be contacted at jbiehler@mail.teleport.com
Alex (Alex)
- Saturday, November 25, 2000 at 15:51:12 (PST)
Enjoyed seeing your wedding shots. Thanks for putting up the site so all could share in your happiness. Our best wishes for a long and happy life together.
Brick and B.A. (and our daughter Rowan)
Betty Ann Cochrane & Brick Billing (brickbilling@home.com & bacochrane@home.com)
Ottawa, Ontario Canada - Saturday, October 28, 2000 at 13:41:27 (PDT)
Great site - but I'm mesmerized by Sisko's section . . . can't stop watching that dog chomp animated bones!
Erin Lemon (elemon@digital4sight.com)
Toronto, ON. Canada - Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 11:44:27 (PDT)
Cool website and congratulations!!! I'm glad you shared some pictures. Check out mine and Vivian's at
Great minds think alike!
Mark Freiheit (freiheit@mit.edu)
NY/Boston, MA/NY USA/Canada - Wednesday, August 16, 2000 at 13:05:34 (PDT)
thanks for a most memorable time at your wedding!
we really enjoyed ourselves (as you could probabley tell from
your pictures).
all the best to you both & thanks again!!
chris & kaiti
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 19:39:03 (PDT)
thanks for a most memorable time at your wedding!
we really enjoyed ourselves (as you could probabley tell from
your pictures).
all the best to you both & thanks again!!
chris & kaiti
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 19:38:59 (PDT)
I am so sorry I missed your wedding - but what a great to enjoy it afterwards! It looked like a beautiful wedding and you both look so happy together!
Rob, as my cousin (whom I have know for a very long time), you look the happiest I have ever seen you - I know Alex is the soul mate you have been looking for! All the very best to you both!!
Lots of love,
Cousin Mur
Mary Hamilton (order@tfsonline.com)
Toronto, Ontario Canada - Monday, August 14, 2000 at 05:28:36 (PDT)
Good God! He's gone and done it. Alex: Help him.....we've all tried and failed......your our last hope.....ahem....and congratulationsas well.
Andrew Galloway (galloway10@yahoo.com)
Ottawa, Ontario Canada - Sunday, August 13, 2000 at 20:04:11 (PDT)
Thank you so much. As we couldn't attend the pictures are precious. May the Great Architect of the Universe bless you both abundently according to his knowledge snd wisdom of your needs and desires.
Our love , Aunt Marion & Uncle Don Cottingham
Don Cottingham ( doncott@ptbo.igs.net)
Peterborough, ON Canada - Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 15:31:34 (PDT)
Well, Rob, it certainly took you long enough to get around to it. Sheesh. But you seem to have done awfully well by waiting.
Alex: Look after him. He, um, needs it.
AKA Thumper, Prince of Darkness
Greg Phillips (greg.phillips@rmc.ca)
Kingston, Ontario Canada - Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 08:29:16 (PDT)
Hi Rob, Congratulations upon your upcoming wedding! t
Shiva Princess of Flame/Tess/now just Theresa (tgalloway@ogh.on.ca)
ottawa, ont - Wednesday, August 02, 2000 at 13:12:00 (PDT)
Sounds like you're cut from the same brave-dog
cloth as a certain black poodle I once knew. Good on ya!
Pompon (pompon@beyondthegrave.com)
The Hereafter, Poodle Heaven The Great Off-leash Park in the Sky - Saturday,
July 08, 2000 at 23:25:47 (PDT)
Well hello stranger! Jeanne sent me your site address. It appears
you have been busy during the several years you have dropped off the planet.
Call 303-390-8228 or Email me when you have a chance.
Betsy Samuel (bsamuel@cjds.com)
Denver, CO USA - Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 07:56:08 (PDT)
Sisko replies: Oops. I've passed your message on to Alex, and
she tells me that she already called you, that June 30 was a little late
for me to pass this on to her given that you left it more than a month
before, and that maybe I leave something to be desired as an answering
machine. I responded by eating her favourite pair of canary yellow shoes
the ones with the delicious wedge heel. Mmm, mmm, good!
Dear Sisko, Happy Easter! I hope the Easter bunny came to your house.
We are enjoying a warm spring day which gives us a chance to sit on our
front porch and bark at passersby. The lamb is roasting in the oven and
we are looking forward to getting some decent table scraps for a change.
Sure beats linguine with chick pea sauce! Love, Sobey and Shaker
Sobey and Shaker (dhobson@yorku.ca)
Toronto, ON CA - Sunday, April 23, 2000 at 10:21:17 (PDT)
Sisko replies: I made out like a bandit! I snatched a chunk of
chocolate egg when nobody was watching and wolfed down get this
half a pound of butter! But that was nothing compared to the barbeque
these guys held a few weeks later. Oh, man... those sausages tasted just
as good coming up as they did going down. But hey, what am I telling this
to you two for? You're living in mooch heaven!
Loved your web page. So nice to see you after quite a while and to
see Rob. Interesting that I already have a disc of Mike's Lanark On Line.
Tried to see Sisko, but picture never came up. We're all well here, altho,
pun intended Well ran dry today - no water, had to melt sno for a while
till plumber came. Great wedding attire - but where are Rob's options.
Tons of love, Cynthia.
Cynthia and Ben Carver (ccarver@perth.igs.net)
lanark, ontario canada - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 15:27:55 (PDT)
HI! I'm the nice energy consultant. I had trouble finding a picture
of the window in your office. Can you let me know where and how to find
it? Thanks!
Aaron Vaughsn (parcor@telus.net)
Coquitlam, BC Canada - Thursday, March 23, 2000 at 14:55:42 (PST)
Alex! My dear, just wanted to let you know that I visited Palindrome
and i'm happy now being able to check on your (online) life from time
to time... :-) All the best
Ingrid Arnold (ingrid.arnold@gmx.net)
Berlin, Germany - Monday, February 28, 2000 at 04:27:37 (PST)
Did you know that Mike Myers is Canadian ? Colin says hi. He is standing
now. We think its only a few days from his first unassisted step. He is
also a very good hand clapper. Miss you - Joel, Maurya & Colin
Joel Kadis (jkadis@wcptne.com)
Newton, MA USA - Tuesday, February 22, 2000 at 19:00:31 (PST)
More pictures of Sisko!!!!! its cute!!!
you know, - Thursday, February 10, 2000 at 21:19:42 (PST)
Sisko replies: They say a dog biscuit is the sincerest form of
flattery. Hint, hint, hint...
I had no idea my daughter, Tobin Belzer, was afraid of dogs. She had
a wonderful relations with Angie her childhood dog and Joey her grandfathers
dog who came to visit with us often. It is amazing the things you learn
on the internet. Ask her how she feels about cats.
Rosemary Tobin (msrtobin@aol.com)
Port Hueneme, CA USA - Saturday, January 29, 2000 at 12:04:25 (PST)
Sisko replies: I was pleased to welcome Tobin into the worldwide
order of dog-loving humans. She's a fine human being, and to pay
her my highest compliment ought to get a dog herself.
So, Vancouver is clearly the repository for all-Canadian insanity.
Love the site. Love the dog. Worried about the den-mother and father.
MELBOURNE, VIC AUSTRALIA - Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 15:27:06 (PST)
You guys are so fun. I always check the site for the latest & enjoy
it every time! Sorry to hear about your friend, Dale. Hugs to Sisko!
Jen (jagerj@sgc.gc.ca)
Centre of the Universe, Ottawa, Federal turf Canada eh - Monday, January
17, 2000 at 13:27:29 (PST)
Why, oh why, won't anyone write to me? Woof!
Sisko (sisko@samuel-cottingham.com)
Vancouver, BC Canada - Saturday, January 01, 2000 at 19:02:59 (PST)
I'm looking forward to hearing from people! Also, I want to make it
clear I have nothing to do with the fresh puddle in the guest room. You
can't prove anything.
Sisko (sisko@samuel-cottingham.com)
Vancouver, BC Canada - Thursday, December 23, 1999 at 08:50:27 (PST)