On Sunday morning, Alex discovered that Rob would not be the only Cottingham in her bed:

first row: Rodney, Beth, Dianne, Ashley, Mike; middle row: Abbey, Erin; back row: Dick, Alex, Rob, and JoAnne

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Them Crazy Cottinghams!


Is Rob's family...

(a) terrifyingly well-adjusted

(b) terrifyingly warm and friendly

(c) terrifying

(d) all of the above, hold the mayo?



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for our special feature on the Fabulous Flower Girls

Rob's parents Dick and JoAnne, with Rob's sister-in-law and flower-girl- manufacturer Dianne Maclean.

Rob's cousin Liz Fitzgerald.

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Rob's brother Rick with cousin Kait. Rick hopes that if he squeezes Kait hard enough, more tasty hors d'oeuvres will pop out.


Rob's cousin Dale Cottingham, and his wife, Heather, add a little something extra to their soups.



Two sets of the newlyweds who inspired us: Chris and Kait (bridal class of '99), above, and Rick and Jen (bridal class of '98) below.


Jen Jaeger, Rob's sister-in-law, decides that four courses are just not enough.




Jen, Chris, and Kait demonstrate Ontario's new system for water purification.